Cooley High: The Truth That Emerges About Brenda And Cynthia Davis

Cooley High Brenda has left an impression that the viewers will cherish

The hit film of 1975 Cooley High remains a favourite of many fans for more than 46 years. One of the most intriguing aspects of the film’s coming-of-age story is the fate of one of the stars, Cynthia Davis who portrayed Brenda. Each time I’ve seen this film throughout the years, I’ve noticed that the credits read “Introducing Cynthia Davis.” This was a hint that the young actress was going to enjoy fame and fortune in other films but that didn’t take place. Somebody saw her potential, however, something transpired that kept her from the spotlight.

The co-stars of Davis’s film Glen Turman, (Preach) Corin Rogers (Pooter) Jackie Taylor (Johnnie Mae) ( Lawrence Hylton Jacobs,(Cochise) and Garrett Morris (Mr Mason) All were cast in the subsequent film and TV roles. The gorgeous Cynthia However slipped into obscurity and even though there were reports that she passed away in her death. The family denied these allegations but did not reveal what was going on with Cynthia, the girl who had been revealed to the world and could be a celebrity.

Cooley High: The Truth That Emerges About Brenda And Cynthia Davis

Davis has never played another acting job and I was unsure about the reason. Read the interview she conducted by clicking the following link and then formulate your own opinions. Based on what she said, and more importantly, what she decided not to divulge, it is possible that she was subject to any kind of harassment. Many people who have commented on the interview have suggested that the same thing happened, however, the only one who has spoken to Cynthia Davis knows for sure.

Cynthia Davis: She was set to become a star

Davis claimed they offered her a part in Mandingo however it didn’t happen and she was not in contact with the co-stars of Cooley High. Davis’s words are quite powerful and possibly telling. When asked what she learned from her experiences, her response was:

“Not for a second to think of being so foolish. But, there were many mistakes I made when I was trusting people. I’d rather not make them. It is a waste of power by letting people lease the space inside your head. Particularly those who do not keep your best interests in your mind. “.

I am awestruck by Cynthia Davis for giving the interview as people have been worried about her for a long time. I appreciate that she stated she was not going to discuss the events that occurred during the making of the film, however, this shouldn’t prevent anyone from making speculations. There are many possibilities for what could have occurred, and let us look at a few possible scenarios.

Davis may have been teased as she was a bit confused and described as “stuck into.” Also, she could be ridiculed for her weight. There might be animosity among other females on the set as the “high girl” had the top role. Davis could be harassed sexually by producers, directors or male cast members because she was attractive. It could have been physical or verbal.

Maybe she experienced unwelcome touching on her body or was molested, or was sexually assaulted. It is clear that she put her confidence in an individual who failed her and that’s regrettable. If you look at the photo above of the actors seated on the stairs, Davis (wearing glasses) is sad while the girls in the middle appear excited.

These kinds of things can happen in real life and on film sets, and unfortunately, Cynthia Davis may have been the victim of all of the above. At just 17 years old and brand new to the entertainment industry it is possible that she tried to connect with females who hated her or experienced trust to be snubbed by men she believed would be her defenders. Whatever transpired, ended the career of an aspiring young actress. Davis never once stated in her interview that she had decided not to do another show and to live a quiet life. This proves that someone or possibly many people got into her path. Perhaps it was jealous females, sexually agitated teens or predatory movie executives, or maybe all three?

Davis has decided not to expand on her story and it is her choice however her tale is a tragic one. To have a rising star remain in a secluded place and not ride the success of the cult film is a sign of the times. The only other information available about Davi can be found in the fact that she never got married, but she has one daughter Samantha Felton and two grandchildren.


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