Quotes About love

Here we have a list of lovers’ quotes for you. We have listed down all the inspiring love quotes that you will love, and we also believe that you and your partner will find it very interesting, and it will also help you understand what your partner means to you. It will help you answer the meaning of love. With these quotes, you and your partner will understand the importance of loving each other and how special the love between you two should be. “Quotes About Love”

But before we proceed, I want to welcome you to our website Be Wise Professor and say thanks for trusting us and deciding to take your time and read our content today. So without wasting much of your time, let me go straight to the quotes. After reading this, you can read wise quotes about life to learn interesting quotes in life.


I love you quotes


  • Loving you always is the best thing that has ever happen in my life.


  • That I decided to love you as part of the best decision I have ever made in life.


  • It does not matter how bad and how far you are from me, but as long as you still love me, my love will never die.


  • Each day I wake up and remember that I have you by my side, my heart becomes more vigorous.


  • No matter what people say about you, it can never stop me from loving you.


  • With you by my side each day, there is nothing I cannot conquer.


  • The distance between us can never separate the love and feelings I have for you.
Lovers Quote
Lovers Quote
  • I don’t have a reason for loving you because if I do have a purpose, I will stop loving you when the motivation disappears.


  • Looking at your beautiful face every day makes me thank God for giving you to me.


  • You are like an angel that is specially created just to love and adore me. “I love you quotes.”


  • I will never get tired of loving you because you never give up on me.


  • You never count my mistakes as a mistake, but as a way for me to learn how to do it better, and that makes me love you more.


  • I can run towards you if you call me without looking back because I believe that my heart can never hurt me.


  • Someone out there may be seen as the most beautiful, but my heart and eyes only see you as the most beautiful.


  • The first day I met you was the first time I lied to myself that I don’t love you.


  • I never believe that God knows exactly what the best is for me until I met you.


  • Seeing your smile tells me to keep going that I am on the right track.


  • Forever is not enough when you are with the right person. – Timi Dakolo


  • I never believe there is an angel in this world till the day I met you.


  • I always bless the first day I set my eyes on you because it’s the luckiest day of my life.


  • A day spent without you there with me is like a thousand years to me. “I love you quotes.”


  • My day can never be complete without me setting my eyes on you.


  • I thought I am strong without weakness until the day I met you.


  • Having you by my side makes everything about me perfect.

  • I have never known any sorrow but happiness since the day I met you.


  • I never understand the meaning of love until I met you.


  • I have decided to stick with love because hate is too big to have as a burden to bear.- By Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • Kindness is a word that creates confidence, while kindness in thinking creates profoundness. And generosity in giving creates love. – Lao Tzu


  • Let be meeting each other only the time that we are smiling, because the smile is the beginning of our love. – Mother Teresa

“Quotes About Love”

  • I want you to know that I won’t always keep love in your heart because life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. – Oscar Wilde


  • The course behind true love has never run smoothly. – William Shakespeare


  • The best thing that is good for us to hold onto in this life is each other. – Audrey Hepburn, “I love you quotes.”


  • Nobody in this life will ever understand me better than the way you do.
Quotes For Love
Quotes For Love
  • You are the key to my heart.


  • All I ever wanted and dream of is to love you for the rest of my life.


  • Saying I love you can never be enough to express my love for you, but all I can say is that I will die for you.


  • I never understand how jealousy works until the day I met you.


  • You are the only one that truly understands how I always feel.


  • My heart has deeply been hurried inside your heart.


  • Since I fell in love with you, I understand what it means that someone has gone mad because I can’t stay for a minute without thinking about you.


  • The only thing that keeps me going without fear is the feeling of having someone like you.


“I love you quotes.”

  • The new command that I am giving you now is this “Love one another. Just the way I have loved you, you must in that way love one another” – Jesus Christ.


  • There cannot be any deep disappointment wherever there is no sincere love. – Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • Love looks as beautiful as a flower which one cannot touch, but its smell makes the whole garden a place of delight just the same. – Helen Keller


  • We love life, but not because we are used to living but just that we are used to loving. – Friedrich Nietzsche


  • Love is about passions the strongest. For it will attack simultaneously on the head, the heart, and the senses. – Lao Tzu


  • You can look at the entire universe for someone more deserving of your love. And is also more affections than you do to yourself, and that person will not be found anywhere, for you, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection more. – Buddha


  • You deserve to be loved just as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Buddha


  • As long as you keep loving, you will forever be the number one in my heart.


  • The feelings I have for you cannot in any way compare to anything in this world.


  • As long as I live in this world, I will love you alone. I promise you that.


  • In this world, there is nothing that matters most for me than the feelings we have for each other.


  • Together with you in this world and forever with you after this world is all I wish for.


  • The light your love brought into my life will forever be shining.

“Quotes About Love”

  • The world can say whatever they like, but I don’t care, all that I care for is what you say about me.


  • Just say what you want from me, and I will die doing it for you.


  • To be with you is the sweetest thing my heart ever needs.


  • I thought only I could love myself, but all that changes when I met you, for you love me better than myself.


  • I am asking the only thing I am afraid of in this life, is the feeling of losing you.
Quotes About Love
“Quotes About Love
  • My whole world was made new ever since I met you.


  • I can’t say exactly how my heart feels, but all I know is I feel like the only particular person in this world because I have you by my side.


  • Nothing interests me more now than looking at your beautiful face each time of the day.


  • No matter how far you are from me, one thing I know for sure is that destiny must surely bring us together.


  • I lost the key to my heart since I fell in love with you.

“Quotes About Love”

  • All the things I now wish for is how to make you happy.


  • I can never fall back in life because I now have you by my side.


  • Since I noticed that I have fallen for you, all I wish for now is to fall more deeply in love with you.


  • My friends are now saying that I am crazy, but I don’t care because I want to even go madly in love with you.


  • If i am giving a chance to fall in love with you again, I will continue to be falling, because it makes my heart happy.


  • I walk and talk as the richest man on earth because I have you for you worth more than diamond and even life itself. “I love you quotes.”


  • All I ever wanted is to make you part of my future.


  • I pray and wish to wake up each day on your arms.

“I love you quotes.”

  • In your eyes, I see precisely the way you love me.


  • If you look closely at me, you will see your name boldly written on me.


  • Any life without love is like a tree without any blossoms or fruit. – Khalil Gibran
I love you quotes
“Quotes About Love
  • As the Father has loved me, that same way have I loved you – Jesus Christ.


  • Passion is momentary, while love is enduring. – John Wooden


  • Tell me the one that admires and loves you, and I will tell you exactly who you are. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery


  • I am giving a chance to come back again and to choose who to live with, all I want is where you are and to be with you still.

“I love you quotes.”

  • I am still looking at you every day to know the reason why I love you, but the more I look, the more I have no reason to love you.


  • I was asked what I saw in you that made me love you, but all I can say is that I see you.


  • People learn boxing and fighting for money, but I only want to learn it just to defend you.


  • The number of the stats can never be used to compare my love for you, for your love is more significant than that.


  • With you, by my side, there is no mountain I cannot climb.


  • Blessings will be to that person who has been influenced by one real loving human soul on another-George Eliot.


  • Anyone that loves, flies, runs, and also rejoices, will be free, and there is nothing to hold him back -Henri Matisse.


  • I can’t stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try to, and my heart always tells me you are the one made for me.


  • I now noticed that my heart trusts you more than itself.

“Quotes About Love”

  • Whatever that our souls have been made of, his and mine are the same. – Emily Bronte


  • Man must try to be evolved in all human conflicts, because that is a way which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation, and the foundation of such a method is love – Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • At every center of any non-violence stands, there is the principle of love itself. – Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • Gravitation is not what is responsible for people who are falling in love. – Albert Einstein


  • Love is an excellent teacher than duty. – Albert Einstein



  • The water will shine only by the sun. And it’s you who are my sun. – Charles de Leusse, “good morning love quotes.”


  • I swear I can give you love more than the way I do right now, and yet I know I will still love you more tomorrow. — Leo Christopher


  • Since I realize that you are my better half, my heart always feels happy to have you.

“I love you quotes.”

  • I love you, start with I, and finish with you. ― Charles de Leusse


  • I can endure the entire problem before me, but I can’t bear staying alone without you.


  • There is a madness inside me because of loving you, and a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless. — Leo Christopher


  • You are always the last thought in my mind before I sleep every time, and the first thought whenever I wake up each morning. – Unknown


  • I will always be around when you need me, to love and care about you.


  • You will always know that you are moved by love when all you want is that person to be happy and smile, even if you are not part of their happiness-Julia Roberts.

“I love you quotes.”

  • To lose your balance in some things for the sake of love is part of living a balanced life–Elizabeth Gilbert.


  • Love looks just like a virus, for it can happen to anybody at any time. – Maya Angelou


  • Love looks just like the wind because you cannot see it, but you can feel it. ― Nicholas Sparks, “I love you quotes.”


  • It is always straightforward to fall in love, but the hard part of it is finding someone to catch you. – Bertrand Russell


  • All these are quotes for you to keep your relationship moving and refreshing, but all these are not just enough; there are things you should also be doing to make your partner happy. And am going to point out things that can quickly destroy a relationship for you also to take note of it.


Things that can destroy your relationship.


1.Lack of communication.

Just bear in mind that without effective communication in any relationship, it can easily fall. Because it is only through effective communication, you can know about your partner and when your attention is needed.


  1. Lack of sex.

If there is no sex in the relationship, it can easily make that relationship to fall, because if only one partner is requesting sex while the other doesn’t agree with it. It may easily lead to cheating and which will destroy the relationship. “I love you quotes.”


  1. Lack of understanding.

Without understanding, there can’t be any happiness in that relationship. You are bound to understand each other, know when your partner is in need, and when he or she is in trouble. Understand his or her silence and quiet mood. Understand his or her words no matter how hard it is, for it brings two hearts together forever.


  1. Lack of trust.

Trust in a relationship is one of the essential things in a good relationship. As a man, you should trust your wife or girlfriend or partner, and the same thing is also applicable to the women. Trust helps to eliminate the presence of a third-party or an intruder in a relationship. A lot of people are out there looking for a connection to scatter so that they can penetrate. So be wise.

“good morning love quotes.”

  1. Cheating.

Mind your matrimonial homes and rules, and never it occurs to your mind to cheat on your partner no matter what. Be yourself and avoid anything that will lead you to cheat, for if you can do that, oh bet me you that your relationship shall be a better one.


  1. Lack of attention.

The little time you spent with your partner is very important, and it means a lot to them. Give them your maximum attention, check on to them, care for her, and shower her or him with the most attention that you can offer. Everything is not all about money, time in a relationship matters a lot more than anything.

“I love you quotes.”

Having seen both the love quotes and the things that are capable of destroying your relationship, you can quickly come to conclusions to be stronger in your relationship and put more effort into it so that you all shall be happy. We wish you a life with love and happiness together with your partner.

Drop your comments if you have any.


“I love you quotes.”