Affordable Steps Developing Countries Can Take To Improve The Public Health Crisis

A healthy future vastly depends upon prioritizing public health over other matters. But the pandemic proves to be the worst global health crisis that the world has faced in recent times. The healthcare industry is constantly struggling to control the rapid spread in public by providing priority-based healthcare services. Governments are doing their part by applying lockdowns, quarantine areas, and measures for social distancing. But while these factors play a role in preventing the spread of the virus, some developing countries are facing public health crises mainly due to their economic status. As a consequence, the general population is suffering, and the economic structure is crumbling. However, there are some affordable steps that developing countries can take to improve their infrastructure and improve public health, which are mentioned below. 


  • Assure A Proper Local Public Health Infrastructure

Ensuring that the public has a proper public health infrastructure means that the government maintains its health budget and distributes it to public health systems. They must use data analysis and utilize it to plan healthcare facility distribution for the public. For example, there are few important medical resources such as ventilators, hospital beds, and oxygen tanks in developing countries. To utilize these recourses effectively, they must concentrate on high-demand areas. But it won’t be effective unless the general population is healthy and safe. To ensure that, they must develop partnerships to mobilize the community and make policies that ensure better public health. These resources will help in contributing better to public health and finding ways to improve the quality significantly.


  • Promote Healthy Communities And Healthy Behavior 

The government has the responsibility to promote healthy community systems as well as healthy behaviors. Making educational courses more accessible and easier for the public, like  CEPH accredited online MPH programs no GRE, can increase the number of public health workers. These workers help in improving beneficial health practices by educating the masses about ways they can access public health facilities. In developing countries where people often don’t have sufficient access to knowledge, public health workers can contribute greatly. They can educate the community about common public health issues and how to avoid them, along with helping them improve their habits to deal with health problems. Government institutions must invest better in health management policies and also provide a system to promote a healthy environment.


  • Prevent The Spread Of Disease

Developing countries are struggling due to the living situation of the population and economic conditions that don’t allow proper lockdowns. When it comes to the living situation, developing countries can invest in temporary, separate living places for the sick to prevent further illness. As for economic problems, developing countries can opt for smart lockdowns in areas with a high ratio of infected people. Making masks mandatory with social distance rules can also help in reducing the virus’s spread. 


  • Protect Against Environmental Health Hazards 

One of the biggest public health issues in developing countries is the alarming environmental situation. Water, air, and land pollution give rise to hundreds of diseases that affect the quality of life. For example, contaminated water causes diarrheal illnesses, which result in malnutrition in children and a large number of deaths annually.

The government can address the ways ecological issues affect the health of the public by finding out ways to eliminate the problem. Building a proper sewage system and toilets can reduce contamination in land and water. Developing countries can also deal with this problem by ensuring strict laws to prevent environmental contamination.


  • Prepare And Respond To Emergencies 

Another way that a country can improve its public health condition is by improving the emergency response system. It includes engaging in wide-ranged training that can prepare the public health safety department to respond to emergencies, such as natural disasters or a pandemic such as the one going on right now. In developing countries, the number of emergency handling strategies is very small. It can put people’s lives in jeopardy and thus damage the infrastructure of the country. To deal with this problem, developing countries can establish foundations that use the available resources to manage a public health crisis effectively. Efficient response from these foundations can assist the public in their recovery and provide them the help that they need in times of crisis. These foundations should frequently develop strategic plans and exercise them to assess and deal with public health dangers. 



Public health is a major concern for developing countries. If the public health condition is lagging, it will reduce the GDP, and the country won’t be able to invite business into the land. To prevent any such thing from happening, these affordable measures can pave the path for developing countries to improve their public health and progress as a nation.