5 Healthy Green Juice Recipes to Boost Your Mood

Drinking green juices is one of the best treatments for boosting moods. There is no other more straightforward cure for depression and anxiety than taking two to three glasses of green juices for health sake.

And I believe that you know that in this life our health first before any other thing. It is also said that health is wealth, this is why you need to think of your health and the things that your body need before any other thing.

This recommendation is a guaranteed remedy for some health conditions.  And don’t just say you will take it because its recommend or what health advisers tell you to take. But instead, I want you to see it as something that is very important for your health.

Before the end of this topic, you will understand the importance and why you need to drink it. Quality green juices are produced by using premium juicers.

Here is a list of juicers available in the markets. Without much ado, let’s see why green juices are beneficial to human metabolism.


Benefits of Green Juices

The colour green is a nutritional match that blends with the human system. Green means life. Green fruits are filled with vitamins A, C, E, K, and folate. Also, there are minerals like iron and calcium, antioxidants; carotenoids; phytochemicals, and omega-3s.

It is enriched with insoluble fibre that acts like a sponge to eliminate toxins. Green juices balance the body’s pH level and make it more alkaline.

Furthermore, green juice boosts our immune system to heal and cleanse the organs of the body. At the same time, kill pathogenic bacteria, cancer cells, fungi, and plenty of other human internal enemies. Several individuals have gotten a cure or relief from some worse health conditions.

Juices are convenient for those that don’t have stomach acid to break down and process nutrients from greens. When greens are chopped or blended with juicers, they are now digestible by anyone.

Folks have been asking me for recipes, so I’m starting you off with a few simple ones.


Here are Five Healthy Green Juices to Boost your Mood

Here are five recommended recipes of green juices that can be used to boost one’s mood. Need a mood booster, try any of these recipes.

Kale and Pineapple Juice

The kale and pineapple juice is one of the easiest to make.

  • Kale (4 cups)
  • Frozen pineapple (1 cup)
  • Water (1 cup)
  • Starters can put in another cup of frozen pineapple or frozen strawberries.

Spinach Banana Juice

Here is a sweet and healthy juice you don’t want to miss. Banana flavoured juice is loved by many. After preparation, all you need is to freeze them college paper help is right for your business

  • 4 cups baby Spinach
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup of water
  • For starters: Mix a cup of frozen strawberries or pineapple.

Swiss Chard Strawberry Juice

Swiss chard tastes nice in juices. Also, it is highly nutritious. Some individuals love blending it with berries, but the colour might turn into what you don’t expect. It may look like chocolate or something darker.

  • Chopped Swiss chard (4 cups)
  • Frozen strawberries (1 cup)
  • Frozen blueberries (½ cup)
  • Water (1 cup)

Spinach Cocoa Juice

These are lovely blends to taste and try out. It is as cute as a diary shake. On its own, Spinach is fantastic food. On the other hand, a tablespoon of unsweetened blended cocoa is equivalent to 3-9 % of the required daily intake of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese. So, the two blends are dope.

  • 4 cups baby Spinach
  • 2 tablespoons of blended unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 frozen bananas

Tropical Skin Cleanser Green Juice

This is made using avocado fruit. It is a perfect mood booster. Avocado pear is a sort after a fruit, so many individuals would prefer this green juice.

  • 1 ½ cups fresh Spinach
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut water
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • ¼ avocado



Sincerely aside from the health benefits of drinking green juices, it also reflects on the skin. It brightens the skin, and this is a noticeable effect that people will see. If you need to improve your mood, start with one of these listed green juices. I also believe that by now you have understood why it important for health and why you need to drink it.