10 Sweet Wood Apple (Bael) Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Wood apples are a possibility that you haven’t heard of them yet. This blog will explain the amazing benefits of wood apples. The most popular summer fruits are mango, watermelon, and wood apples.

In Northern India, bael is the name for wood apple. It is like a slice of heaven and helps prevent sunstrokes and other health problems during the summer. Botanically, each part of a wood Apple is good for the body. It is high in vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients. Continue reading to find out more.

What is a Wood Apple?

Wood Apple is a sacred tree that is grown in India. It is commonly found in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other parts of Southern Asia. It has a hard shell and smells like blue cheese mixed with overripe bananas. Its interior looks like banana pudding, with dark brown Pulp and resinous hairy seed. It makes jams, chutneys, and other condiments with a unique sour flavor.

It’s also known by the names Curd fruit, Elephant apple, and ‘Monkey Fruit.’

Wood Apples (per 100g): Nutritional Value

  • Energy-134Ecals
  • Protein-7gm
  • Fat-4gm
  • Mineral-2gm
  • Fibre-5gm
  • Carbohydrates-18gm
  • Calcium-130mg
  • Phosphorous-110 mg

Wood Apple Scientific Name

Limonite Acidissima is the scientific name for the wood apple, also known as the elephant apple.

10 Sweet Wood Apple (Bael) Benefits

Wood Apple Benefits

Here are some benefits of wood apples.

  • Wood Apple is thought to be very effective against sunstroke and other summer-related health problems.
  • Wood apple is rich in anti-inflammatory tannins and phenolic compounds, which can be used to treat piles and ulcers. It also helps to combat diarrhea and dysentery, among other things.
  • Wood apples contain riboflavin and thiamine chemicals and are effective in detoxifying the body. Its juice is good for the kidneys and keeps the gut healthy.
  • Expectorant properties are a hallmark of wood apples, which are thought to be beneficial against various respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and sore throat.
  • It improves immunity to fight viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.
  • Because it is rich in fiber, it has laxative properties and helps to manage constipation naturally.
  • It can be combined with jaggery to prevent fatigue and loss of energy.
  • Boiling wood apple leaves and consuming them can lower blood pressure.
  • Wood apple is rich in vitamin C and can stop the growth of scurvy and bleeding gums.
  • Wood Apple is a blood purifier because it purifies the blood and removes toxins.
  • The wood apple controls blood sugar levels, which prevents diabetes from developing. It also helps to control dangerous spikes in sugar levels that can lead to death.

Wood Apple Skin Benefits

  • Wood Apple contains antioxidants, which are phenolic compounds. This helps to heal damaged cells caused by free radicals.
  • Wood Apple is rich in antioxidants, which help slow the skin’s aging process and preserve the skin’s youthfulness.
  • Wood apples’ antibacterial properties help treat skin conditions and infections. They also promote skin wellness.

Wood Apple Hair Benefits

Wood apples boost hair growth. Wood apples are antimicrobial and can be used to treat many scalp and hair infections. These include itching, dandruff, and folliculitis.

  • Because it contains essential nutrients, it nourishes the hair’s follicles.
  • It increases blood circulation and strengthens hair strands from the roots.
  • It regulates stress hormone-related production, which helps prevent hair loss and hair fall from anxiety and stress.

Wood Apple Benefits for Pregnancy

The potassium in wood apples helps regulate fluid and electrolyte levels in pregnant women and helps prevent complications. It is also capable of relieving constipation, which is a common condition during pregnancy.

10 Sweet Wood Apple (Bael) Benefits

What does a Wood Apple Fruit taste like?

Wood apple pulp has a sweet, sour taste with an acidic flavor. It can be used in desserts or as a spice in savory dishes. It is refreshing and a great food choice.

Wood Apples


Wood apples can be used to make ice cream or drinks. It is used primarily to make jams, chutneys, and other condiments.

Wood-apple medicinal uses

  • Wood Apples can be used to support the heart and liver.
  • It is used for diarrhea control.
  • It can treat sore throat, hiccups, and other gum-related diseases.
  • When mixed with honey, the powdered rind can be used to treat diarrhea in children.
  • Pulp from the Wood Apple’s roots, bark, and leaves is used to fight snakebites.

Other uses

  • Ink, varnish, and dyes are made from the gum obtained from the wood apple trunk and branches.
  • Wood Apples can be used in many construction projects, including carvings, pattern-making, rolling mills rollers, and agricultural implements. It can also be used to fuel.

Wood Apple Side Effects

Wood apples can cause abdominal flatulence if consumed in excess.

  • Wood Apple’s regular consumption, without a gap, causes contraction of the abdominal muscles and creates pressure in your stomach.
  • Thyroid sufferers should avoid drinking wood apple juice, as it can aggravate their condition.


Wood apples can boost immunity and treat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. It is rich in fiber, making it a good choice for digestive problems such as constipation or indigestion.

Pro tip: Combine wood apple and jaggery. This combination works as an energy retainer and reduces fatigue. Try it out, and let us know how it goes.

Can we eat wood apples every day?

Yes, wood apples can be consumed daily. The goodness cleanses the body of thiamine, riboflavin, and wood apple. Wood apple juice is good for your gut health and can help you avoid kidney disease.

Is Wood Apple a Weight Gainer?

There is no evidence that wood apples increase height. Wood apples are high in fiber, which can help reduce bloating and eliminate excess water weight. Wood apple juice can also be used as an energy drink.

Are Wood Apples safe to eat?

Yes. Wood apples are generally safe to eat. If you have any health concerns or allergies, consult your doctor.



