Why Do Guys Have Small Lips

Welcome to bewiseprof.com a relationship and lifestyle blog. Today we are going to generally talk on this issue “why do guys have small lips
” because it has been asked by many and that is why I decide today, to say my own point of view on thi.

Why do guys have small lips?

Yes is common to see guys with small lips than those with big lips but asking why it’s so is something that I can say that is hard to say because nobody creates himself. But if you come to look at it on another way round, you may say is because most guys skinny or not that big, and because of that small lips looks more to fit him than big lips.

Why Do Guys Have Small Lips

Are full lips attractive?

Well is attractive depending on the individual choice because to some persons, it is not attractive. Some people easily fall for small lips than big lips, so by looking it that way, you will understand that is all about individual differences.

Finally I believe that I have said my own opinion on this, now now is left for you to make a choice.

If you have more light to through about this topic ple kindly do so through the comment section below, because I will be excited to read your own thought about this.