What Makes A Good Relationship?

Well good relationship is said to be a relationship with less trouble and issues, because in this world there is no relationship without problem, but the only issue is the ability to get back to normal after having issues. So don’t see that those people out there with good relationship with people have no problems, for they do but settle the problem within themselves. Now to answer your question;

What makes a good relationship



If you and your partner have issues, don’t try to judge him or her easily without trying to know the reason behind his or her actions, then you will last long in the relationship because you understand him or her..


This is also part of the things that make up a good relationship. If you can trust your partner and believe they will never hurt you no matter what, and your partner also trusts you that way, then you will last long in the relationship.

Care and concern.

If you guys will always show each other care and concern in all you do, then know that you have made it all for both of you, only with this will you be strong.


Having strong communication with your partner will help you have a good relationship with him or her and also help bring you two together as one with love and care.


Giving your partner attention is also one of the things that makes up a good relationship, for it will help you know when they need you and when they are troubled and console them.

• Listen to your partner.

Been a good listener and not been the one to talk at all times is part of the things that makes up a good relationship. Because you two are the one that make up the relationship only one person can’t be in relationship.


This is also part of the important thing that is needed in a relationship, because with love you will show care and concern and will not try to hurt him or her.


A good relationship don’t just come, but it takes time with two partners working together side by side as one. So don’t try to build it alone, but work with your partner and listen to him or her with trust and you will last long as one.

So now I hope you see the things that makes up a good relationship. And I hope you are clear on this now.

What makes a good relationship?

• Understanding
• Trust
• Care and Concern
• Communication
• Attention
• Listen to your partner
• Love