Signs She Wants To Be Your Girlfriend

Signs she wants to be your girlfriend is not hard something to check in a woman. So I will take my time to explain it all to you in a better way that will help you to understand it better.

Sometimes in some specific areas, you know it’s not recommended for a girl to approach a guy for a relationship. You understand that a guy is supposed to be the one to contact a girl for a relationship.
But sometimes, she might not be able to control the feeling that she may have for you, so instead of saying it out, she might feel like showing it through her attitude.

So, there are thousands of ways in which a girl can express her feelings for a guy. A Way you can know if she wants to be your girlfriend. Those ways and signs are what we will be writing on today in this article. So kindly, read this and understand every bit of it.

Signs she wants to be your girlfriend.

1. Watch her body language.
2. Too much closeness.
3. Going out with you to meet her family or friends.
4. When she keeps note of the things, you said.
5. She’s paying too much attention to you.
6. She will be asking you a lot of questions.
7. She acts like your girlfriend.
8. She leaves some of her things under your custody.
9. She will tell you about her past relationship with a free heart.
10. She continually gives you real eye contact.

What are the signs that she wants you?

  • Watch her body language. This is the number one sign that she wants to be your girlfriend. Her body language alone shall tell you everything if you are observant. She will like to be showing up wherever you are, and she will also be acting shy before you when you know that she’s not shy at all. She will also be dressed so sexily, especially when you are around so that you will notice them. Evening you didn’t get to see you, and she will be the one to call and draw your attention to hers. All the tips of a woman in getting a man’s focus will be occurring in her character.
  • Too much closeness. She will be more close to you than she uses to do. She won’t even border to touch you whenever she got the chance to. She will change her communication level, and she won’t like to miss any chance of being so close to you. She won’t even mind if someone is around or not; all she will be after is away to get you next to her.
  • She is going out with you to meet her family or friends. She will like to go out with you to see her family and her closet friends. She may or may not tell you until you are there with her. She will also be happy to introduce you to her friends as her boyfriend. If you notice that this girl behaves typically like that towards you, my dear, she’s interested in you and wants to be your girlfriend.
  • When she keeps note of the things, you said. A girl that wants to be your girlfriend will always keep a note of every little thing you said, and she will be the one to be remembering it to you. Again, your memories will always be fresh to her and will be ready to remind you of that at any time. “Signs she wants to be your girlfriend.”
  • She’s paying too much attention to you. If she’s interested in you and needs to be your girlfriend, she won’t hesitate to give you maximum attention. She will listen to you and follow your orders even when you are too harsh on her. She won’t regard anything you did to harm her like anything. She will always be attentive to your words and stories with a smiling face.


How do I know if a girl wants to be my girlfriend?

      • She will ask you a lot of questions. She will be the one to be raising topics and asking you a lot of questions. She won’t be tired of asking, and she won’t be tired of listening too. She will ask you about your family about your plans in life and yourself. And even if it takes a lot of time to answer that, she will wait till you finish.
      • She acts like your girlfriend. Due to she has the zeal of becoming your girlfriend, she will be acting like one. She will like to come and visit you, even without you calling for that. She will be the one to defend you in public, and she will also be the one to hold and smile at you, she will like to follow you out or even to meet your friends and family. She will not hesitate to wash your clothes if she sees the chance to.all of these shows that she’s interested in you and want to be your girlfriend.
      • She leaves some of her things under your custody. She will purposely leave her things in your custody so that she will have the opportunity and the excuse to come to you again. For instance. If she bought something, or if she has some items to be sent home, she will like to drop it to you as if she is going somewhere else, so that she will use that opportunity to come to you again. Again, she will also have an excuse to go inside your home, maybe to charge her phone or to borrow some items to you. She might collect the phone and leave the charger as if she forgot it just to come again to you.
      • She will tell you about her past relationship with a free heart. She will freely tell you about her past relationship without you asking her. She will show you the story of her life and explain to you her lifestyle, what she likes, and what she doesn’t like. She will love to say to a lot of stories about her so that you be with her and keep her company. Even if you try to make it short, she will also try to finish it up step by step. This is one of the most significant way for you to know if a woman is interested in you.
      • She continually gives you real eye contact. She will give you eye contact frequently. You will even be hiding your face because it will be very steady and long, especially when she is doing that with a smiling face. When a girl gives you eye contact, and q romantic one, it only shows that she’s interested in you and wants to be your girlfriend. You are supposed to grab that opportunity if you also have the same feeling for her.

I hope that with these, you have fully understood what will show you if a lady likes you and wants to be your woman.
Drop your comments if you have any.