Signs He Wants To Marry You In The future

So you think your relationship is going amazingly well, but you’re still wondering and asking yourself, “will he marry me?” What are the signs he wants to marry Me? How can I be sure that he will marry me someday? Well, fear not! There are visible signs he wants to marry you in the future. These signs may be there even as early as the first couple of months of dating him, and I will show them to you. So use the signs to know if you are wife material for him? so that you will understand the signs he sees himself marrying you as his wife.

I want you to keep in mind within the first 90 days or early days of dating that, a man is evaluating and looking more at you and your actions. He is checking to see if you are genuinely a wife material for him, especially if he has passed 30 and is earnest about settling down with a woman.

So the more signs he fulfills or the more he is doing any of the things on this list, the more likely he sees himself marrying you shortly and the more for you to stop bordering much. You can also read one of my posts on six clear signs he wants to marry you for you to learn more if you are still confused.

Signs He Wants To Marry You In The Future

  • He will happily bring up living together & getting married: Whenever a man sees a future with you, then he won’t be going to beat around the bush. He will talk about it and discuss it more often. He will always bring up the kind of wedding he would like, how many kids he wants to have and how being married to you would be. Just know that men are NOT shy to talk about this. If he sees you as wife material for him, he will be excited and happy to talk about these things with you!
  • He Will casually or always ask what kind of “wedding/engagement ring” you will like: Let’s say he is sending you pictures of wedding rings, then know that what it means is that he is thinking seriously about proposing to you. He may even, at times, drag you to a few jewelers to look with you! The truth about this is that most men don’t want to screw up their proposals. If he is thinking about getting married to you, the next step is that he will be planning for the proposal. And when that happens, just count it as one of the signs he sees himself marrying you as his life partner.
  • He will then start a sentence with “If we are married….” Or, let’s say if he starts a sentence with “If you are my wife…” or “If I were to be your husband…” … it means he is seriously considering you as a wife material to him. Just relax because men will not play these games with girls they are not planning to live with as wives.
  • He will tell you that he wants to get married on the first date. Okay, now let’s say, if you know he wants to get married anytime soon, and he is committed to you, then know there is a VERY high chance he sees himself marrying you in the future. Men who are ready for marriage will not waste their time dating around. If he had the objective of meeting someone to marry and date, you know that you are his number one candidate! Probably he may need more time dating you to know “for sure” that you are all he needs as a “wife.”
  • He is happy and free to join his finances with you: Marriage is a huge commitment, as we all know. It also involves a financial commitment to your partner. Suppose a man is happy and free to combine resources and share a large chunk of his income with you as his lady. Then it means he is considering making you his future wife. So relax if he is not disturbed in joining his one or things with you, for it is one of the signs he sees himself marrying you.
  • He talks highly or more of you to his friends and family: If a man is always boasting about you and how amazing you are to him, or Does he act like a super proud partner? If he enjoys showing you off and being publically pleased to be with you in front of his family and friends, then it is also a sure sign he wants to marry you in the future or signs he sees himself marrying you. “Signs He Wants To Marry You In the future.”
  • Your friends, family, and people around you notice how he looks at you. Have your friends, family, and even people mentioned how he looks at you? Outsiders are usually very good at showing love and devotion between lovers. If they are telling you things like the questions below: “I can tell he loves you a lot by the way he looks at you all the time I see you too.” “He always looks at you like he is very in love with you.” These are signs that a man is wholly devoted to you and sees you firmly in his future as his wife.
  • He will tell you that you will make a great wife and mother. If he is giving you a compliment that you will make a great wife and mother, it means he hopes you will be HIS wife and mother to HIS kids in the future. Men are always very logical when it comes to building a family. Of course, they want a woman who would make a great wife and mother for their kids. Try also to take this as the ultimate compliment is also part of the signs he sees himself marrying you.
  • Whenever you bring up getting married issues, HIS eyes light up: It is clear that a man who wants to marry you is excited when you bring up marriage things or issues. He will not be neutral, avoidant, or go quiet when the subject of weddings and proposals comes up in your discussions. He should be more interested in your thoughts and share his opinions.
  • You will not remember the last time you fought. Men always want to marry women they get along with. If you are still fighting or going through a rough patch, he will put all “marriage” thoughts on hold. But this doesn’t mean he will never marry you, but it is a good measure of how “soon” he will want to marry you. But if things are normal between you two, it is one of the signs he sees himself marrying you in the future. Generally, men always want things to be stable before making that decision. If your relationship is calm, happy, and drama-free and has been that way for a long time, it is also a good sign he wants to marry you.


Signs He Wants To Marry You In The future


Signs He Sees Himself Marrying You

  • He will believe in marriage. A man will always need to believe in the benefit of getting married before wanting to get married. There are many men out there who don’t believe in marriage. There is nothing wrong with this, provided you are in a good agreement. Just because he doesn’t believe in marriage doesn’t mean he is not committed to you. You have to decide for yourself what is important to you and what is not, have this talk early and make sure marriage is something you BOTH want.
  • He Is traditional. Men who have a more “traditional” mindset believe in marriage and having children than those who are not. They also believe in doing these things at the right time and right. They believe in duty, honor, loyalty, and keeping families together more than anything else. Has he reached the “right” age to marry and have kids…
  • Are you carrying his child?
  • Have you been dating him for a long time?
  • His friends are all married.
  • His family is also pressuring him to marriage,
  • These may be reason enough for him to marry you.
  • He believes marriage will not “change” anything. As much as he needs to believe in marriage, he should also think that getting married will not change your relationship. Some men do believe that marriage “changes” things. Perhaps they are unaware of this, but subconsciously they have a blueprint for that marriage, which is different from being a boyfriend/girlfriend. This is why most people change after getting married. It’s because of their blueprint or reason, and their expectations have also changed. Let’s say, for example, that a man may suddenly get lazy and expect his wife to do all the house chores or work. His blueprint or reason will be husband went to work, and his wife looked after the home. So if he believes marriage changes things between you two, this may cause him to resist marriage, especially if he likes the current relationship you have with him.
  • You are his best friend. If he always spends more time with you than with his friends, or if he confides in you about all kinds of personal things, it is an excellent sign that he sees you as his best friend. Then knowing that you are of luck is also one of the good signs he sees himself marrying you. Men want to marry their best friends! It is only logical that the next step he will do is to marry you.
  • He will not think you are controlling. Men usually don’t marry women. They think that is controlling them. If you feel trapped and caged in by you, he is doubtful to marry you. You know that marriage is a long time commitment. It is a significant decision to make. Men want to marry women they get along with and give them a sense of freedom. Men won’t want to involve in any marriage that will make them feel like you will only further tighten their grip on them.
  • He checks out your compatible level. Men are incredibly logical. When looking out for partnership, they know they have to choose wisely. That means there’s less concentration on the quality of your sex life or how facial and curved you are. Instead, men will be interested to see if you share their same values and beliefs. Do you believe in the same political understanding as him? Do you value the same personality traits as does? Do you have the same set of life goals? Do you share the same views on marriage? If these things do not correspond, a man is doubtful to see you as his future partner.
  • He doesn’t take a break during the hard times. If he’s ready to stick by you even when times are tough, it’s a sign that he sees you in his long-term plans. Men understand marriage is not always going to be a piece of cake. You will disagree and have significant conflicts. If he can’t stay with you during tough times and be willing to work out issues with you, he isn’t very ready for the relationship. Your commitment assures the strength and quality of a relationship during hectic periods. He must be as severe as you to make it work.
  • He will point to saying he is committed to you and only you alone. You know, when a man is most committed, he tells you he’s conscious not to lead other women on or makes other women understand he’s taken when talking with them. He’s also always describing you to his female friends or other colleagues. This is a sign he is proud of you and makes you know it!
  • His friends and family say you could be “the one.” A guy may not be outspoken about believing you’re “the one” for him – although he may be considering it! But if the people closest to him are convinced you could be “the one,” you should see this as a significant sign. Because it is one of the big signs, he sees himself marrying you in the future. That is if he is telling you about it. He may be a bit “shy” about being romantic and forthcoming. However, if he is telling you what his colleagues think about you, it’s a sign he wants you to know what he feels about you.