Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)

Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)

It’s a part of human existence–heartbreak, whether it’s when we physically lose someone or lose a part of our hearts when someone chooses to leave us behind. Whether we go through heartbreak when we’re young, or when we’re in our twenties just living up life, it will sneak up on us in some shape or form and manage to completely change our existence. “ Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)

When it happens after a long relationship, it can take us by surprise. It’s something unexpected that promptly ends things with another human we thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives with.

So what do we do then?

Do we simply walk away and try to move on? That can prove difficult for some people if they know that there’s a slight possibility that their ex might still be harbouring some feelings in there somewhere for them.

In that case, there may be a chance for us yet. There are tons of books on the subject and scientific articles that can aid us in our quest to win back that ex, and we’ve managed to comb through a great deal of them to compose this list.

Go spend some time in your favourite coffee shop, take a long walk, fix what needs fixing around your place. Just do what you need to do in order to make yourself happy–it will show and your ex will actually start to take notice.

“Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)”

Simply Act Aloof

The term “acting aloof” sounds a whole lot better than “playing it dumb” but that’s what you’re doing. Act like you don’t even know he’s around when he actually is. What you want to do is act like you don’t need him in the least, but don’t be cruel about it.

“This move is cliché, so keep it classy,” one article on the subject says. “Don’t unfriend your ex and don’t have loads of pictures of you draped around another person. However, showing your ex that you don’t need them, that you’re not sitting at home crying yourself to sleep every night, and you’re getting on with it and enjoying your life shows them how strong and fun and level headed you are.”

If He Initiates Conversation, Be Friendly

Pretty Girls Sweat

Do you know the old saying “you catch more bees with honey” line? As annoying as it is, it’s true. It’s always best that when you run into your ex, you keep it friendly. And don’t make a fool out of yourself in a begging manner.

“You’ll know when the time is right to start talking again,” Locke says. “Once you do, make it clear you would like to be friends. Don’t dive head first and proclaim your undying love for them or gush about how much you miss them, simply keep it calm and friendly and see if they would like to go for coffee or a drink.”

Start Talking To Other “Might Be More Than Just Friends” Guys

Now, we won’t say we’re going as far as to “make him jealous” but that’s basically what you’re doing when you go and talk to other guys with him still on your mind. “This is the oldest trick in the book and can be a little immature, but it does often get great results,” Locke claims.

When he hears through the grapevine that you’ve probably already have moved on to someone else, it snaps a jealousy switch inside them and they come sniffing around again. Just don’t be that person who leads on another person who is genuinely interested in you.

Live Up Life With Your Girlfriends

Having fun with your friends and taking your mind off of everything is the most therapeutic thing a person can do following a breakup. It also helps when your ex sees you do it too (via social media where you’re sure to post some images of your fun adventures with your girls) as he casually checks up on your Twitter/IG feed.

You become your best self when you’re around your friends because they can pick you up in the best way possible, and that can create a glow in your that’s clearly visible. Sidebar: they’ll also be honest with you on whether you should get back with your ex or not.

“Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)”

Never Ever Act Jealous

This is probably easier said than done, but it’s important to never act jealous, both on the net and in person if you happen to run into them with someone new. “As hard as it might be, if you seem genuinely happy for them or simply ignore them when they try to make you feel jealous they won’t know what to do,” Locke writes.

“Always act naturally, keep calm, and remember that you came out of a relationship together. Any new person just cannot compete with the history there.” This is very true–the more natural (and happy) you act, the more confused they become.

Pick Up Some Brand New Hobbies

Usually, post-breakup, some of us go the “getting bangs” route (and we’d sometimes go so far as cutting our bangs ourselves in the middle of the night during a crying spell in high school post-breakup–hopefully we’re out of that phase by now) when it’s always best to go down another path, which is pick up some new, fun hobbies.

It’s always best to pick up an activity that includes working out, burning some energy, and creating endorphins that will make you happier. He’ll be sure to pick that up when you post pictures of you taking up kickboxing at the gym.

“Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)”

Engage More In Social Media – But Not With Him

We all do this anyway–social media is part of our daily lives (if not our whole lives considered what we do for a living) however, after a breakup, you’ll find that you tend to pay closer attention to it. This is key whether it’s checking up on your ex to see how THEY’RE dealing with the breakup or you’re using it as a tool to help mend your own feelings in the aftermath.

Using it as a tool can be very wise and helpful if you’re looking to get your ex back, but only if you know he keeps a close eye on your feed. If he does, engage more with followers, with your friends, and most importantly, with men OTHER than your ex.

Travel More (And Post Those Pictures)

Sometimes, after a particularly hard breakup, we find ourselves wanting to connect with the world at a much more different and curious level. We want to get out there in order to take our minds off things and have new experiences in exotic places we’ve never been to before. And, of course, we’re going to post about it on our IG feeds, and a particular someone is going to see.

Going to new places that you never went with him shows how adventurous you can be WITHOUT him, and it’s actually very attractive and will make him sit up and take notice.

“Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)”

Update Your Look Just A Tad

Now, we’re not saying to that very specific “hair bangs” thing you did way back in the day (put down those scissors, girl), but we are saying you can do something different to switch up your look a little (to throw him off and make him stare a little longer than he used to).

Maybe you’ve been debating about changing your hair colour dramatically? Or updating your wardrobe to include that beautiful yet risky little black dress? Go for it, and then flaunt it on social media so you’re sure he sees–and oh yes, he will see and he will suddenly take notice of the new you and who you are without him.

Toughen Up And Go For That Promotion At Work

You were going to do it anyway with or without him still in your life, but since going through that breakup, you found the courage in places you didn’t know to even look. Finally going for that promotion at work can be an intimidating yet crazy rewarding task. You think “well, I’ve already been through the worst so this can’t be too difficult” and you’re absolutely right.

The benefits are not only rewarding, but it will also give you the confidence to actually work at getting your ex back (if, you know, you still want him after you get that promotion).

“Proven Tips That’ll Make Our Ex Miss Us (Badly)”

Take New And Wonderful Risks (That You Would’ve Never Taken With Him)

Risks can be intimidating, even if you’re with someone. But maybe, MAYBE, he always wanted to go mountain biking in a rugged area? Or skydiving? Anything along the daring line. But perhaps you didn’t have the stomach for it or found it too death-defying. But now? Nope, now you’re up for anything the world has to throw at you.

Now you’re ready to go jumping out of that aeroplane and tasting the wind against your skin. And you’re ready to show it off and let him know you’re no longer the person you were before the breakup. And the new, adventurous you happen to be more appealing.