Is Boric Acid Harmful In Pregnant Women?

Boric acid, although classified as “benign by the Environmental Protection Agency”, can be harmful to pregnant women and their fetus. Boric acid is associated with serious health risks during pregnancy. It should be avoided at all costs.


Boric acid can be used in a number of ways, including for pharmaceuticals and agriculture. The most common uses of this acid are to treat athlete’s feet, eye infections and yeast infections. Boric acid is used to kill fleas, roaches and bugs. It can also be used on mattresses, futons, and upholstery.


Camphor & Pregnancy

National Toxicology Program conducted studies on rats and mice to determine the success of pregnancy after boric acid. The number of miscarriages in all three animals increased dramatically after boric acid exposure.

Birth Defects

Boric acid exposure can cause significant birth defects. These include heart defects, abnormal body structures, and abnormal ribs or missing vertebrae. According to a study by Boston University Medical Center, human mothers who took boric acid during pregnancy were nearly twice as likely to have children with serious birth defects.

Birth Weight

L-Tyrosine and Pregnancy

Boric acid exposure in pregnancy has also been shown to affect birth weight. The offspring born to mothers exposed to boric acids were usually significantly smaller than those of their unexposed counterparts.

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Boric acid should be avoided by pregnant mothers as much as possible. You should consult your doctor if you are pregnant and taking medication that contains boric acids. Do not use roach killers containing boric acid while pregnant.