How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And The Baby Moving

It can be a thrilling experience to feel your baby move during your pregnancy. The movements of your unborn child can reassure you the foetus is healthy, and give your obstetrician a clue about how fast your baby is growing.

Clark Gillespie is the author of “Your Pregnancy, Month by Month.” You might find it difficult to tell between gas bubbles in your baby and movements. Knowing what to look for will help you distinguish.

Why your unborn baby moves

The movements of your unborn baby are important because they give you peace of mind, knowing that it is growing and developing well. Your obstetrician monitors fetal movements to ensure your baby’s health and development.

Michelle Smith, the author of “Taboo Secrets of Pregnancy – A Guide to Living with a Belly,” says that you might feel gas bubbles in your early pregnancy. They can happen long before you notice your baby moving.

How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And The Baby Moving

Gas Bubbles or Fetal Movements?

When does your baby start moving inside the womb?

Smith notes that a gas bubble will feel like a slight flutter or even a soft pop. In most cases, the gas bubble will disappear in a matter of seconds and not return. As you become more familiar with the movements of a fetus, they will become more consistent.

Gillespie says that you might feel your baby hiccuping if they give you a punch or kick, or move around or turn over.

When you will feel your baby’s movements

Gillespie reports that your baby will start to move during the second month of your pregnancy. Your unborn child is too small to be able to feel his movements.

You will not feel this first activity because he is well protected in your expanding uterus. You will feel the first movement or kick of your baby around four months into pregnancy. Gas bubbles are likely to be the cause of any flutters and movements before this point.

Why you should monitor your baby’s movements

How to Determine the Frequency of Kicks a Baby Makes at Six Months’ Pregnancy

Gillespie reports that it is important to be able to track and detect your baby’s movement for you and your doctor to monitor her health and well-being until she is delivered. Your doctor will be able to tell that your baby is growing and developing by regular movements.

Smith says that every baby has its unique pattern of movement. What is normal for one person may not be for another. Track when your baby tends to be most active, and when she’s more likely resting. Chances are, if she keeps a regular pattern of movement then everything will be going well. As you get to know your baby’s routine and her movement schedule, you can begin to build a relationship with her.

Be on the Lookout for Movements

Gas bubbles and fetal movements can occur at the same moment towards the end of pregnancy. Gas bubbles can cause abdominal pain, even though you will be able to identify the movement of your baby. The movement of the fetus may be uncomfortable, but it is not usually painful.

Smith warns that if your baby’s movement has decreased, you should call your doctor. He will want to make sure your child is okay. Your baby’s movements will slow down as she grows too big to comfortably move.