6 Expert Ways To Help Your Children Adjust To Major Life Changes

Dealing with change can be difficult for many people. This is especially the case for children since they often don’t yet have the tools needed to deal with the emotions that go along with major life changes. 

Issues such as divorce, death or even a major move can affect our kids in a fundamental way. Many people rely on the family lawyers Essendon couples use, to finalise custody cases in divorce settlements with the least amount of issues along the way. Despite that, experts recommend that you should make an extra effort to help your children deal with major life changes like these. 


Helping Kids Deal With Major Life Changes

Dealing with major life changes can be incredibly overwhelming for children if it affects the only family dynamic they have ever known. While many children going through a divorce often joke that they’ll now have two of everything, the reality is that it will take some getting used to. How can you help your children through these changes, whether it’s divorce or another scenario? Our experts have a few suggestions. 

6 Expert Ways To Help Your Children Adjust To Major Life Changes

         1. Maintain Your Current Routine

No matter what type of transition your children are facing, it’s crucial to maintain as much of their routine as possible. Children shouldn’t have their lives disrupted too much by the grown-up problems that determine their lives’ outcomes. 

For the most part, routinely builds consistency and safety. It sends the message that while some things may be changing, the fundamentals remain the same. Routine means keeping bedtimes, mealtimes and general activities the same. 

         2. Encourage Talking and Listening

Divorce and death are two of the most upsetting events a small child may have to deal with. It might be your first instinct to keep them happy so that they don’t feel sad. However, this isn’t always the best option. 

Encourage your children to talk about their feelings, even if this means a lot of crying! Listen to what they have to say, even if some of it sounds like blame and resentment. It’s essential to allow them to express their feelings. You can then start explaining why the situation is the way it is.

         3. Maintain Adequate Sleep and Nutrition

Children going through life changes may start experiencing mood swings as they struggle to adjust to the new dynamic. One of the best ways to counter this is by ensuring the children maintain general health through sleeping patterns and diets. 

The right amount of sleep affects energy levels and can go a long way toward making them feel able to handle the new. Additionally, sticking to a nutritious and sustaining eating plan could help prevent excessive tantrums.

         4. Allow Your Children to Make Some Choices

If your children are dealing with a divorce or a major move they will most likely need a new room. Allow them to choose the colour and décor of the room. Also, let them pick dinner options or even what movies to watch on family night, so they still feel as though they have some control over their lives. 

With control comes peace. Allowing children to be involved in making decisions about the small things will also go a long way toward helping them understand their new dynamic. 

         5. Show Your Children You Need Them

Using reputable property lawyers Melbourne residents rely on to find new homes means that you may be able to move sooner than you anticipated, which is good news in some ways—but it could also mean a rushed process.

During a big move, children can often feel as though they are in the way. To avoid your children feeling like this, be sure to include them in the packing and moving process. Let them help you unpack and perhaps even choose where some items can be placed. 

Letting your children help you in other aspects of your life will help them rise to the occasion and give them something else to focus on. This will also keep their minds busy and prevent them from giving too much negative thought to the circumstances that have led to the new situation.

         6. Maintain a Positive Demeanor

Chances are you’re also going through a range of different emotions. It’s important for your children to see that you’re finding the situation difficult but you’re still able to stay positive and carry on with the task at hand.

Doing that encourages children to express their emotions but at the same time learn that they need to pick themselves up and get on with creating a new dynamic. 


Final Thoughts

The most important lesson you can teach your children is that adjusting to change is a daily process. Make it your goal as a parent to keep your children focused on their routines and hobbies to ensure they don’t become too overwhelmed by the changes around them. Encourage them to share their feelings but also to move on from negative emotions!